lunes, 18 de agosto de 2008

Thoughts on Kubla kahn

According to my interpretation of the poem Kubla Kahn from Coleridge, it makes a lot of sense with its other title, which is "Vision in a Dream", by what I read, I could tell that the extracts belong to the main subject of the poem which is nature and death.

In my opinion, the first extract is attached to parts of the poem, such as: "...By a woman wailing for her demos-lover!. By this verse, I mean that the woman was suffering, was feeling something really strong for someone she loved. She was really showing her affections for a man, but at the same time, the reader is able to realize how affected she was. Another example that I found really interesting and touching was: "...the sacred river, ran Through caverns measureless to man Down to a sunless sea". According to my point of view, this part shows how strongly influential nature can be for Human Beings to show and depict their feelings....How a man may feel if he is immersed into caverns, take by a measureless river to a sunless sea? I could tell that he felt opressed, drawn, and then freed.

About the second extract, this poem might seem simple, because of the situation that the persona is in. Using elements of nature helps a lot to compare oneself to different states of nature. For example, the sorrow of someone can be simmilar to a weeping willow in Autumn, or the sun which has come out after the storm represents relief and quietness after a difficult moment; in the poem Kubla Kahn, it is shown where it says: "Then reached the caverns measureless to man,And sank in tumult to a lifeless ocean:..."

Finally, the third extract makes reference to Coleridge' s supernatural state in his poetry. The fact that he focuses so much in nature and compares his feelings to elements of nature in their natural state, makes the reader go beyond the normal expectrum of simmiles, situations, and comparisons, it certainly tranports the reader to a broader and deeper imagination.

2 comentarios:

Claudia Trajtemberg dijo...

Hi Cristina,
Your analysis is very interesting. Indeed, the poem does make a lot more sense when one reads the second part of the title "Vision in a Dream". Besides, your interpretation of the power of nature and its influence on people´s feelings captures the essence of Coleridge´s poem. The metaphors you´ve chosen are good examples of your understanding of Coleridge´s views of man, nature and the supernatural.

Javy Kiddie dijo...

I really think that your analysis is a good interpretation of the poem and the quatiations. I also agree when you say: "the reader is able to realize how affected she was" because we can interpretate what the author wants to say, but also we can be familiar with what the character of the poem is thinking or feeling. Here we can have a connection with the poem beyond words.
