lunes, 25 de agosto de 2008

Pleasure And Pain

As a characteristic of Romanticism, both sonnets show images of nature and depict the expression of feelings as well. These pieces have represented the dull inner feeling that Keats kept. The fact of enjoiyng himself with nature, comparing has to do with the state that Keats was living in that moment.
Why is it that Keats remains the constant fight between life and death? That makes me wonder and think about how complex he had been as a person; locating himself (his thoughts) in a pinnacle, and then feeling dizzy, weak, not powerful at all.
One of the verses that most called my attention from the sonnet:"On Seeing the Elgin Marbles for the First Time" was: "Like a sick eagle looking at the sky". It's hard for me to imagine such a big animal as an eagle, which look so imposing when they are flying and even looking at the ski, weak as a tiny bird.
It's really interesting for me to face a writing style that touches me so much with they way in which feelings, especially the dull ones are depicted, as the case of Keats.

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