jueves, 21 de agosto de 2008

About Keats....and his tombstone.

By reading the article, I was introduced a writter whose this life-work review has made me feel he had been absolutely destroyed by the quality of his writing, not even having read any of his masterpieces before getting to know him more. This rejection was mainly due to the themes of his pieces of work, which all of them were related to dull feelings, states and situations, such as Melancholy, Death, Autumn, Psyche, etc.
However, this opinion that people had against him, has invited us, at least me to read his work and try to find out more about his life in order to understand his writing. As the article says: "To understand why Keats meditated so constantly on death, it is not necessary to look to his biography one need only to listen to his writing"...I don't really know if I should agree with that...
One of Keats' wished was his tombstone to be engraved with the statement: “Here lies one whose name was writ in water”. Why not his name? In my opinion I think it was because since he worked in a hospital, and had to look after and take care of his mother being very little, he always dealt with death. As the article says: "...his life was a long preparation to death". A name writ (ten) in water is a name that will dissapear sooner than later. But surprise!...it's 2008 and we're studying him.

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