domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2008

An unseen world in front of

This short story takes place in a restaurant called Bentley’s, where the following characters (who are the main characters in the story) are having dinner; a young and very pretty woman, with blond hair and an oval and pretty face. She is a writer and is about marrying her fiancé, who seems to be a good man because he always cared about not saying anything unpropper to her. There was also a group of eight Japanese gentlemen at the restaurant, who spoke an illegible language; however, they had very peculiar manners to smile and bow to each other.
The narrator is omniscient, he knows everything about the story and is always expecting about the comments that the characters will make, this is one of the observations that influenced my reading, especially when it was about the fiancé’s behaviour towards the woman, which is also told by the way she had to speak. It tells us many things about the cuople, how they get along, the kind of communication, their concerns; which were mainly hers, I mean, about her job. Although I know the narrator is omniscient, sometimes; it seems to me that some of the comments made by the narrator are made by the girl’s fiancé, for example when it says: “The Japanese gentlemen had finished50 their fish and with very little English but with elaborate courtesy they were ordering from themiddle-aged waitress a fresh fruit salad. The girl looked at them, and then she looked at me, but I think she saw only the future. I wanted very much to warn her against any future basedon a first novel called The Chelsea Set....”
The Japanese men are the key to understand the woman’s personality and her behaviour. As long as the story is read, I realized she was a very selfish person, whose goals in life were her books, its publications, and the money she would earned. Even though she seems be toa very good intellectual at the beginning of the story, she hardly paid attention to details indeed, such as the group of Japanese gentlemen, she had only given a “passing glance” which tells us that she wasn’t a good writer at all. Her life and relationships with others were very superficial that she wasn’t able to observe, and appreciate what surrounded her.
Finally, the title of the book reminds me what is called in psychology “false audience”, which is when people, especially teenagers feel that everybody is staring at them all the time, but actually it’s is just a feeling. However, in this story the opposite happens, The Japanese men are the ones who observe the couple, especially the woman, all the time, but she is the one who did not realize this. For her, it was all about her, her books, and only the opinion that her fiancé had according to her job and the way she was handling it. It is really interesting because The Japenese men focused on her and gave the readers all the information about her through the omniscient narrator.

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