martes, 23 de septiembre de 2008

"I don't care if he is good, I care if he is lucky"*

After reading this story by DH Lawrence, I immediately related it to the movie "Match Point" by Woody Allen (the title of the post is taken form there, by the way), where the characters, especially the protagonist gave so much importance to the luck issue. The same happened in this story. All members of the family were so concerned about not having money, and not being able to keep up with the lifestyle they used to have, either, which was a consequence of not being lucky people. This was such a big issue for this family because it made them tremendously unhappy, especially when it is about the relationship between mother and children. How can someone pretend to make a living by taking for granted that luck will be in favor, instead of hard work and effort?

Despite the fact that it seems a clear story, I think it is not an easy reading at all. It has many interpretations; for me, the parents' behaviour towards their children depicted lack of awareness, and love, of course. It is unbelievable that two grown up people have raised their children with those kinds of values and way of thinking. As the case of the mother, it becomes really hard for me to picture myself as a future mother unable to love my children. What this family was invloved in was in a very deep psuchological trouble...

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