viernes, 24 de octubre de 2008

A present given by Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf was certainly a woman whose thoughts and position to face life were ahead of time. Due to the fact that in the 1920’s women were only devoted to raise their children, therefore to be a good mother and wife, they could hardly read or spend time on activities of their own interest, this is why were not thought as good writers or as good thinkers, either. In the essay “A room on one’s own” it was easy to realize about her inner thoughts about descrimination towars women’s capacities and her struggle for women’s rights to express their ideas through writing, as it had always been for men. However, what she wanted to reach, indeed, was a complement between women and men’s contributions to lead human being’s minds to go beyond the scope of their conceptions.

While the time went by, several changes started to happen. The need to put in paper their thoughts since the time they were allowed to vote, therefore to think on their own, was current than ever. They no longer felt themselves as simple housekeepers. Then, they showed their hidden talents in the different fields of study, demonstrating a chauvinist society that they could be as good as men, or even better.

In my personal opinion, women who started writing, ran up the flag of change and freedom for their silent minds, they challenged prejudices and the fear of being discriminated just because they were women. From those days up to now, I think it has been a great pleasure (and for me it is) to feel identified with books about women written by a woman.

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